Online Registration:
The registration for the conference is made within 2 steps:
Start registration
- 1st step: Preregistration:
You will have to enter your name, affiliation, to choose your registration fees. Then, you will receive a confirmation e-mail inviting you to proceed to the 2nd step.
- 2nd step: Registration and Payment (Credit card, bank transfer or order form)
Registration policy:
- For each submitted paper, at least one author must register, pay the conference fee and present the paper.
- The paper will be published in the Springer Proceedings book only if registration form and proof of payment are sent to
- The registration as “accompanying person” does not entitles to attend the conference sessions or to receive the conference kit (including the proceedings book), but just to participate to social events.
Registration Fee:
(Before March 31,2020)
(Before April 30, 2020)
Delegate from IFToMM member organizations
320 €
340 €
Delegate from non-IFToMM member organizations
350 €
400 €
Student from IFToMM member organizations
240 €
260 €
Student from non-IFToMM member organizations
270 €
290 €
Accompanying person
200 €
200 €
IFToMM Young Delegate Program (YDP):
Under the support of IFToMM, RAAD2020 will provide a number of YDP grants to young students, scientists, and engineers under the age of 36 years to participate in the conference. To apply for this fund, please write a letter of request to the RAAD 2020 General Chair, Dr Med Amine Laribi, by 31 mars 2020. For more details about the application preparation, please check the IFToMM YDP webpage.